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Passing Pearls on to Our Children

Roots Executive Administrator

"And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart.

You shall teach them diligently to your children"

Deuteronomy 6:6-7a

At the October support group meeting we discussed ways that we can teach and memorize Gods word to our children. We can sometimes get caught up in doing scripture memorization the "same way we always have" because it feels easier and less work at the time, but this method may not be the best way that your children learn. Its fun to change things up a bit, get creative in how you learn God's word, it may just help things to "stick" faster and longer!

Here are some suggestions on how you can memorize verses in a creative way:

1) Post-it Cover it up

Write the verse on a poster board and then practice reciting the verse as you cover words with post-it notes. Some suggested using different colors of post-it notes or drawing a picture on the post-it note so that it will help to remember what the word is underneath. You can also do this by using a whiteboard and erasing the words instead of covering them up

2) Move It

Create motions to match the verse

3) Rhythm

Snap, clap, stomp to a rhythm and break the verse into smaller phrases that go along with the rhythm. ex. stomp stomp "The Lord", snap snap "is my" clap clap "Shephard"

4) Draw It

Use pictures to represent the words of the verse. Get the kids to come up with the images that best represent a word or phrase then draw it. You can do this on a poster board or canvas and then hang it on your wall in your home as a reminder of the verse.

The Mechler family sent me a copy of the verse they recently learned using

this method, thanks for sharing it with us!

Families came prepared to share their favorite devotional with the group. It was wonderful to see all these fantastic resources. There were a handful that were mentioned at almost every meeting they are (in no particular order):

  • The Ology by Marty Machowski

  • Our 24 Family Ways by Clay Clarkson

  • Table Talk by Nancy Guthrie

  • The Family Worship Guide by Joel Beeke

  • Indescribable by Louie Giglio

  • The Big Picture Story Bible by David Helm

  • God's Names by Sally Michael

If you would like to see the full list of recommended resources by our parents click here.

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